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Jettison Presents Calliope Musicals wsg. Woo Park

Friday Feb 19 8:00pm – 11:30pm
Park Theatre
248 South River Avenue

To label Calliope Musicals a band might be selling them short, because – while the six-piece group’s primary medium is music – their live show is an auditory, visual and genuinely transportive experience. The band describes their style as psychedelic party folk, the actual sound; a harmonious blend of drums, guitar, bass, a hybrid instrument known as a xylosynth and Fussell’s powerful voice. Yet, it’s hard to define and varies substantially by song. What is consistent, however, is the element of storytelling that courses through every track in the Calliope catalogue.

$8 at the door, $5 advance

$8 at the door / $5 in advance

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