LED Lights
The City of Holland Downtown Pedestrian Lighting LED Retrofit Project marks a significant step by the City to reduce our use of electricity, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions while saving money and providing quality lighting.
The City of Holland has retrofitted over 300 downtown street lamps with new Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs. The reasoning behind this initiative included the Holland City government setting a goal of becoming more energy efficient by replacing many of its relatively inefficient metal halide pedestrian light fixtures with LED fixtures that produce more light with less electricity. Metal halide bulbs also contain mercury vapor making disposal and handling hazardous. By retrofitting, the City will decrease its overall carbon footprint by saving 75 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Economically, updating many of its lighting fixtures to LED the City will save 65% of its downtown pedestrian lighting energy bills.
As the City of Holland updates its lighting systems to LED technology, it is a visual sign that we are committed to becoming a 21st Century Community.